Vanishing Point for Lines which are neither parallel nor orthogonal to the picture plane

Vanishing Point Theorem, Part 2:
The perspective image of any real-life line that is not parallel to the picture plane will have a vanishing point.

The perspective images of lines which are parallel to each other in real life (and not parallel to the picture plane) will share the same vanishing point.

If those real-life lines are not orthogonal to the picture plane, the vanishing point of their images will not be directly opposite the ideal viewing position.

In the image on the right, the superimposed red lines all are extensions of lines which would be parallel to each other in real-life. They all share a vanishing point.

Similarly, the superimposed blue lines all are extensions of lines which again would be parallel to each other in real-life (but not to the red lines) -- they appear to be lines painted on the pavement.

Summary of results so far

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