Reading Assignments for Calculus 1
    Spring 2004, Math 101

    January and February 2004

    Be sure to check back often, because assignments may change!
    (Last modified: Monday, March 1, 2004, 2:13 PM )

    I'll use Maple syntax for some of the mathematical notation on this page. (Paying attention to how I type various expressions is a good way to absorb Maple notation). I will not use it when I think it will make the questions too difficult to read.
    All section and page numbers refer to sections from Calculus from Graphical, Numerical, and Symbolic Points of View, Volume 1, 2nd Edition, by Ostebee and Zorn.

    Due Friday 1/30 at 10am

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    To read: All. Any questions? Please do ask me!

    Section 1.1: Functions, Calculus Style
    Section 1.2: Graphs
    Appendix B: Real Numbers and the Coordinate Plane

    To read: The section How to Use This Book: Notes for Students beginning on page xvii. All of Sections 1.1 and 1.2. Also read or skim through Appendix B with whatever depth is necessary. If you find Appendix B unfamiliar or difficult, contact me immediately.

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 101 Name 1/30

    Reading questions:

    Let f(x)=x^2.

    1. How is the graph of y=f(x)+3=x^2+3 related to the graph of y=f(x)? Why?
    2. How is the graph of y=f(x+3)=(x+3)^2 related to the graph of y=f(x)? Why?
    3. Which of f(x), f(x)+2, f(x+2) are even? odd?


    Please Note:

    Due Monday 2/2 at 10am

    Section 1.3 A Field Guide to Elementary Functions
    Appendix C Lines and Linear Functions
    Appendix D Polynomials and Rational Functions
    Appendix E Algebra of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
    Appendix F Algebra of Trigonometric Functions

    To read: All of Section 1.3. Be sure to understand the definition of the logarithm function base b and the definitions of sin(x) and cos(x) in terms of the unit circle. Read or skim through through the appendicies with whatever depth is necessary. If you find Appendix C, D or F unfamiliar or difficult, contact me immediately.

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 101 Name 2/2

    Reading questions:

    1. How are the functions f(x)=3^x and g(x)=log[3](x) related?
      log[3](x) is Maple notation for log3(x).
    2. What are some of the properties of sin(x)?


    Due Wednesday 2/4 at 10am

    Problem Set Guidelines
    Section 1.4 Amount Functions and Rate Functions: The Idea of the Derivative

    To read: Through Example 4. Be sure to understand the section "Rates, amounts, and cars" beginning on page 36.

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 101 Name 2/4

    Reading questions:
    Look at the graphs of P(t) and V(t) in Figure 1 on page 37.

    1. Is the derivative of P positive or negative at t=5? Explain.
    2. Is the second derivative of P positive or negative at t=5? Explain.
    3. give a value of t where the derivative of P is zero.


    Due Friday 2/6 at 10am

    Section 1.5 Estimating Derivatives: A Closer Look

    To read: All. Make sure to understand Examples 3 and 4.

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 101 Name 2/6

    Reading questions:

    1. What does the term locally linear mean?
    2. Explain why the derivative of f(x)=|x| does not exist at x=0.


    Due Monday 2/9 at 10am

    Section 1.6 The Geometry of Derivatives

    To read: All. Be sure to understand the definition of a stationary point and the difference between local and global maxima and minima.

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 101 Name 2/9

    Reading questions:
    Look at the graph of f ' in Example 2.

    1. Where does f have stationary points? Why?
    2. Where is f increasing? Why?
    3. Where is f concave up? Why?

    Due Wednesday 2/11 at 10am

    Section 1.7 The Geometry of Higher Order Derivatives

    To read: All. Think about why the Second Derivative Test makes sense.

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 101 Name 2/11

    Reading questions:
    Use the graphs of f, f ', f '' in Figure 3 on page 67.

    1. By looking at the graph of f '', how can you tell where f is concave up and concave down?
    2. By looking at the graph of f ', how can you tell where f is concave up and concave down?


    Due Friday 2/13 at 10am

    Section 2.1 Defining the Derivative

    To read: All. We'll talk about the formal definition of the derivative in detail during class.

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 101 Name 2/13

    Reading questions:

    1. Let f(x)=x^3. Find the slope of the secant line from x=-2 to x=4.
    2. For a function f, what does the difference quotient ( f(a+h) - f(h) )/h measure?
    3. Let f(x)=x^3. What is the average rate of change of f from x=-2 to x=4?

    Due Monday 2/16 at 10am

    Section 2.2 Derivatives of Power Functions and Polynomials

    To read: Through Theorem 4 on page 97. Be sure to understand Examples 1 and 2.

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 101 Name 2/16

    Reading questions:

    1. What is the derivative of f(x)=x^3?
    2. Let f(x)=x^(1/3) (i.e. the cube root of x). Use the graph of y=f(x) to explain why f'(x) does not exist at x=0.

    Due Wednesday 2/18 at 10am

    Section 2.3 Limits

    To read: Through Theorem 6. Be sure to understand Example 4 and the definitions of left-hand and right-hand limits.

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 101 Name 2/18

    Reading questions:

    1. Let g(x)=(x^2-9)/(x-3), as in Example 2.
      1. Is g(x) defined at x=3? Why or why not?
      2. What is limit(g(x),x=3)? Why?
    2. Is f(x)=|x| continuous at x=0? Why or why not?


    Due Friday 2/20 at 10am

    Work on Project 1

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    Due Monday 2/23 at 10am

    Section 2.4 Using Derivative and Antiderivative Formulas

    To read: All. Be sure to understand the definition of an antiderivative and Theorems 8, 9, and 10.

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 101 Name 2/23

    Reading questions:

    1. Explain in your own words what an antiderivative of a function g(x) is.
    2. How many antiderivatives does f(x)=3x^2 have? Why?


    Due Wednesday 2/25 at 10am

    Bring Questions for Exam 1

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