Reading Assignments for Calculus 2
Fall 2009, Math 104
November and December, 2009
Be sure to check back often, because assignments may change!
(Last modified:
Wednesday, January 18, 2012,
12:36 PM )
I'll often use Maple syntax for mathematical notation on this page.
All section and page numbers refer to sections from Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions, Smith and Minton, 3rd Edition.
Due Monday 11/2 at 9am
Section 8.2: Infinite Series
- To read:
Finish the section, then re-read the whole thing-- really work to make sense of it all.
E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 11/2
Reading Questions:
What does the kth Term Test tell you about each of the following series? Explain.
- sum(sin(k), k=0..infinity)
- sum(1/k , k=1..infinity)
- Monday is the deadline to receive 90% on the antidifferentiation exam. If you haven't passed it yet, don't let this opportunity go by without the attempt -- several, if necessary!
Due Wednesday 11/4 at 9am
Section 8.3: The Integral Test and Comparison Tests
- To read:
Through Example 3.4.
- Be sure to understand:
How you can use the integral test to determine the convergence or divergence of a sum or an itnegral; (for Thursday) how it's used to approximate the value of a series.
E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 11/4
Reading Questions:
- Explain in a couple of sentences (in your own words, of course) why the integral test makes sense. That is, explain the idea behind the integral test.
- Bring questions on PS 9.
- Take advantage of tutoring hours
Due Friday 11/6 at 9am
Section 8.3: The Integral Test and Comparison Tests
- To read:
Through Example 3.7
- Be sure to understand:
How to use the comparison test to determine convergence
E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 11/6
Reading questions:
- Explain in a couple of sentences why the Comparison Test makes sense. That is, explain the idea behind it.
- Begin PS 10. This is a group assignment - remember the usual guidelines: variety in group make-up; 2-3 people; don't divvy; switch and label primary authors.
Due Monday 11/9 at 9am
Section 8.3: The Integral Test and Comparison Tests
- To read:
While I will not be covering the Limit Comparison Test in class, do read the rest of the section -- while it is not obvious how it can be used in approximating a series, it does resolve some of the difficulties we can run into with the Comparison Test. Also, re-read the entire section, making sure you understand each example and looking for more nuance than you saw on the first read-through.
No Reading Question Today
Due Wednesday 11/11 at 9am
Section 8.3: The Integral Test and Comparison Tests
- To read:
In class, I covered using the Integral and Comparison Tests to help approximate convergent series in more detail than the text did. Read through your notes and in-class work related to this.
E-mail Subject Line:Math 104 Your Name 11/11
Reading questions:
Consider the series sum( 1⁄2+3j, j=0..infinity). (This is Maple notation for a sum or series).
- Show that the series converges.
- Estimate the limit of the series within 0.01.
- Is your estimate an over- or under- estimate?
Due Friday 11/13 at 9am
Continue Working on Project 1
No Reading Questions Today
Due Monday 11/16 at 9am
Section 8.3: The Integral Test and Comparison Tests
- To read:
Again, re-read through your notes and in-class work related to the choosing which series to use and also to finding upper and lower bounds for the limit of a convergent series, and to estimating a convergent series within a certain margin of error (i.e. within a certain error bound).
E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 11/16
Consider the series sum( 1⁄(k4+5), k=1..infinity). (This is Maple notation for a sum or series).
- Show that the series converges.
- Estimate the limit of the series within 0.01.
- Is your estimate an over- or under- estimate?
- Just a reminder of the obvious: each of you should be doing your best to contribute equally on the project.
Due Wednesday 11/18 at 9am
Section 8.4: Alternating Series
- To read:
- Be sure to understand:
The statement of the Alternating Series test
E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 11/18
Reading Questions:
- Does sum( (-1)k⁄sqrt(k), k=1..∞) converge or diverge?
- How closely does S100 approximate the series
sum((-1)k (1/k), k=1 .. infinity) ?
- You should have the mathematics behind project 2 solved by Wednesday morning, so you can begin writing your response. I once again encourage you to bring me a draft.
Due Friday 11/20 at 9am
Section 8.5: Absolute Convergence and the Ratio Test
- To read:
Through Example 5.3.
E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 11/20
Reading Questions:
- Give an example of a series that is conditionally convergent. Explain.
- Give an example of a series that is absolutely convergent. Explain.
- Begin PS 12
- If you still have the antidifferentiation exam hanging over you, Friday is the last day you can receive 75% on it. After that, it goes down to 50% until the end of classes.
Due Monday 11/23 at 9am
Section 8.5: Absolute Convergence and the Ratio Test
- To read:
The section The Ratio Test and the section Summary of Convergence Tests. Optional: the section The Root Test.
- Be sure to understand:
How to use the ratio test to determine convergence and divergence, and when the ratio test is inconclusive.
E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 11/23
Reading Questions:
- Explain in a couple of sentences why the Ratio Test makes sense.
- Remember to attach a copy of the checklist to the front of your project with a paperclip.
- Just a reminder that Exam 3 is the Thursday after Thanksgiving break. While I know you just now finishing Project 2, you may want to look at your post-break schedule and decide whether you want to get a good start on preparing yourself.
Due Wednesday 11/25 at 9am
Thanksgiving Break!
Due Friday 11/27 at 9am
Thanksgiving Break!
Due Monday 11/30 at 9am
Section 8.6: Power Series
- To read:
Through Theorem 6.1
E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 11/30
Reading Questions:
- How do power series differ from the series we have looked at up to this point?
- What is the interval of convergence of a power series? Why have we not discussed the interval of convergence before? Explain in your own words.
- Begin studying for the Exam, if you haven't already.
Due Wednesday 12/2 at 9am
Bring Questions for Exam 3
No Reading Questions Today!
- PS 12 will not be collected, but it will be covered on the exam.
- As always, you may have handwritten notes on one side of a standard sheet of paper, and may begin the exam at 12:30.
- Get as many questions resolved before class on Wednesday as possible, through office hours and tutoring hours.
Due Friday 12/4 at 9am
Section 8.6: Power Series
- To read:
Through Example 6.4
E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 12/4
Reading Questions:
- Suppose the power series sum(bk(x-c)k, k=0..∞) has a non-trivial and non-infinite interval of convergence. Where will the midpoint of that interval be?
Due Monday 12/7 at 9am
Section 8.6: Power Series
- To read:
Finish the section
E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 12/7
Reading Questions:
- As you have read, we can differentiate and integrate a convergent power series term-by-term. Why is this not obvious?
- Why might you want or need to use a power series?
Due Wednesday 12/9 at 9am
Section 8.7: Taylor Series
- To read:
- Be sure to understand:
The definition of a Taylor series
E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 12/9
Reading Questions:
- How does a Taylor series differ from a Taylor polynomial?
- Give two good reasons for writing a known function ( such as cos(x) ) as a power series.
- Bring questions on PS 13 to class
Due Friday 12/11 at 9am
Section 8.8: Applications of Taylor Series
E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 12/11
Reading Questions:
- If you wanted to find exp(sqrt(3)) using a Taylor series, what would you as a base point?
- If you still have the antidifferentiatione exam hanging over your head, Friday is the deadline to receive any credit.
Here ends the reading for the Semester!
Janice Sklensky
Wheaton College
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Science Center, Room 101A
Norton, Massachusetts 02766-0930
TEL (508) 286-3973
FAX (508) 285-8278
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