Reading Assignments for Calculus 2
    Spring 2003, Math 104

    April and May, 2003

    Be sure to check back often, because assignments may change!
    (Last modified: Friday, April 18, 2003, 8:46 AM )

    I'll use Maple syntax for mathematical notation on this page.
    All section and page numbers refer to sections from Ostebee/Zorn, Volume 2, Edition 2.

    Due Wednesday 4/2 at 8am

    Section 4.2 More on Limits: Limits Involving Infinity and l'Hopital's Rule
    Section 11.1 Sequences and Their Limits

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 4/2

    Reading Questions:

    1. Does l'Hopital's Rule apply to lim(x -> infty) x2 / ex ? Why or why not?
    2. Does l'Hopital's Rule apply to lim(x -> infty) x2 / sin(x) ? Why or why not?
    3. Does the following sequence converge or diverge? Be sure to explain your answer.
      1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, . . .
    4. Find a symbolic expression for the general term ak of the sequence
      1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, . . .


    Due Friday 4/4 at 8am

    Section 11.2 Infinite Series, Convergence, and Divergence

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 4/4

    Reading questions:

    1. There are two sequences associated with every series. What are they?
    2. Does the geometric series sum((1/4)k,k=0..infinity) converge or diverge? Why?

    Due Monday 4/7 at 8am

    Section 11.2: Infinite Series, Convergence, and Divergence

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 4/7

    Reading Questions:
    What does the nth Term Test tell you about each series? Explain.

    1. sum(sin(k), k=0..infinity)
    2. sum(1/k , k=1..infinity)


    Due Wednesday 4/9 at 8am

    Section 11.3: Testing for Convergence; Estimating Limits

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 4/9

    Reading questions:

    1. Explain in a couple of sentences why the Comparison Test makes sense.
    2. Explain in a couple sentences why the Integral Test makes sense.


    Due Friday 4/11 at 8am

    Section 11.3 Testing for Convergence; Estimating Limits

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 4/11

    Reading Questions:

    1. Explain in a couple of sentences why the Ratio Test makes sense.

    Due Monday 4/14 at 8am

    Section 11.3 Testing for Convergence; Estimating Limits

    No Reading Questions Today


    Due Wednesday 4/16 at 8am

    Section 11.4 Absolute Convergence; Alternating Series

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 4/16

    Reading Questions:

    1. Give an example of a series that is conditionally convergent. Explain.
    2. Give an example of a series that is absolutely convergent. Explain.


    Due Friday 4/18 at 8am

    Section 11.4 Absolute Convergence; Alternating Series

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 4/18

    Reading Questions:

    1. How close does S100 approximate the series sum((-1)k (1/k), k=0 .. infinity) ? Why?

    Due Monday 4/21 at 8am

    Bring Questions for Exam 3

    No Reading Questions Today!

    Due Wednesday 4/23 at 8am

    Section 11.5 Power Series

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 4/23

    Reading Questions:

    1. How do power series differ from the series we have looked at up to this point?
    2. What is the interval of convergence of a power series? Explain in your own words.

    Due Friday 4/25 at 8am

    Section 11.5 Power Series

    No Reading Questions Today

    Due Monday 4/28 at 8am

    Section 11.6 Power Series as Functions

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 4/28

    Reading Questions:

      Give two good reasons for writing a known function ( such as cos(x) ) as a power series.


    Due Wednesday 4/30 at 8am

    Section 11.7 Taylor Series

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 104 Your Name 4/30

    Reading Questions:

    1. How does a Taylor series differ from a Taylor polynomial?
    2. Why would you ever want to find the Taylor series of a function?


    Due Friday 5/2 at 8am

    Section 11.7 Taylor Series

    No Reading Questions Today

    Janice Sklensky
    Wheaton College
    Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
    Science Center, Room 109
    Norton, Massachusetts 02766-0930
    TEL (508) 286-3973
    FAX (508) 285-8278

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