Problem Sets for Calculus 2
Spring 2012, Math 104
March, 2012
Be sure to check back often, because assignments may change!
(Last modified:
Saturday, March 10, 2012,
5:35 PM )
- Always do the WeBWorK problems for a section before doing the problems listed below, as the WeBWorK problems are generally more introductory.
- Read (or re-read) the description of Calc 2 problem sets, to learn or remind yourself of the reasoning, the procedures, expectations of how you'll work on them, etc.
- Follow the Guidelines for Homework Presentation.
- Work on the problems throughout the week.
- WeBWorK (WW) assignments are typically due by 7pm Wednesdays and the problem sets (PS) are typically due by 1pm Thursdays.
- Whether for group or individual problem sets, you should be working on every problem. See the last several pages of the course policies, on the Honor Code.
- For group problem sets, remember to put a star next to the primary author's name.
- Guidelines for using your graphing calculator, Wolfram Alpha, or Maple: If a problem is supposed to be done using technology, then of course, go for it. Otherwise, you may not use technology to accomplish the main purpose of the problem (for example, if the problem is in the substitution section, you may not use technology to do the integration!). However, you may use it to look at a graph, or to help with individual algebraic steps of a problem.
- Please come to see me for help, as well as taking advantage of the tutoring hours through Kollet Center!
WW 5 and PS 5
- Due Wednesday 2/29: WW 5, Available through WeBWorK
- Due Thursday 3/1: PS 5, a Group Assignment:
Section 6.2: 38, 40, 51
WW 6 and PS 6
- Due Wednesday 3/7: WW 6, Available through WeBWorK
- Due Thursday 3/8: PS 6, an Individual Assignment:
Section 6.6: 55, 57
WW 7 and PS 7
- Due Wednesday 3/21: WW 7, Available through WeBWorK
- Due Thursday 3/22: PS 7, a Group Assignment:
Section 6.6: 53, 54
WW 8
- Due Wednesday 3/28: WW 8, Available through WeBWorK
That's it for March's assignments.
Go to the problem sets for April and May!
Janice Sklensky
Wheaton College
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Science Center, Room 1306
Norton, Massachusetts 02766-0930
TEL (508) 286-3973
FAX (508) 285-8278
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