Daily Log for Math Thought
Spring 2001, Math 120
February 2001
Be sure to check back often, because assignments may change!
Last modified: 2/23/01
Friday 2/2
- When class starts you should:
- Have already read Section 1.3 (You'll be re-reading it tonight)
- Have tried IPS 2 (Ch. 1: 2, 6b**, 11 ), and bring your work, and questions, to class.
** I eliminated 6a on Thursday 2/1/01
- Assignment:
- Read for Monday: Re-read Section 1.3, begin Section 1.4
- Due 2/5: Finish I.P.S. 2 (Ch. 1: 2, 6b**, 11)
** I eliminated 6a on Thursday 2/1/01
- Due 2/7: I.P.S. 3
Note: Bring questions on I.P.S. 3 to class Monday.
Monday 2/5
- When class starts you should:
- Have already read Section 1.3 twice
- Have IPS 2 (Ch. 1: 2, 6b, 11) written up and ready to hand in
- Have tried IPS 3 (Ch. 1: 3b, 4b), and bring your work, and questions, to class.
- Assignment:
- Read for Wednesday: Section 1.4, Section 1.5
- Due 2/7: Finish I.P.S. 3 (Ch. 1: 3b, 4b)
- Due 2/9: I.P.S. 4
Ch. 1: 13, 14 (except the part about O'Neill's Theorem).
Note: Bring questions on I.P.S. 4 to class Wednesday.
Wednesday 2/7
- When class starts you should:
- Have already read Sections 1.4, 1.5
- Have I.P.S. 3 (Ch. 1: 3b, 4b) written up and ready to hand in
- Have tried I.P.S. 4 (Ch 1: 13, 14), and bring your work, and questions, to class.
- Assignment:
- Read for Friday: Read Section 2.1
- Due 2/9: Finish I.P.S. 4 (Ch 1: 13, 14)
- Due 2/12: I.P.S. 5
Ch. 1: 14, 15 ( For 14, do the part about O'Neill's Theorem. Briefly discuss how your work compares to that predicted by the first part)
Note: Bring questions on I.P.S. 5 to class Friday.
- Due 2/14:G.P.S. 1
- Do the game-tree analysis for a dollar auction with
b=4, s=4
check the result using O'Neill's Theorem
- Ch. 1: 6a, 16, 17
Note: "G.P.S." stands for "group problem set". Work in a group of 2 or 3. Every person must contribute to every problem.
Friday 2/9
- When class starts you should:
- Have thoroughly read all of Chapter 1; read Section 2.1 (not that we'll get there today)
- Have I.P.S. 4 (Ch 1: 13, 14) written up and ready to hand in
- Have tried I.P.S. 5 (Ch. 1: 14, 15), and bring your work, and questions, to class.
- Have begun looking at G.P.S. 1 (see Wednesday's assignment)
- Assignment:
- Read for Monday: Re-read Section 2.1
- Due 2/12: Finish I.P.S. 5 (Ch. 1: 14, 15)
- Due 2/14: G.P.S. 1 (see Wednesday's assignment)
Note: Work alone and with your group on these problems; bring questions on them to class Monday.
Monday 2/12
- When class starts you should:
- Have read Section 2.1 twice
- Have I.P.S. 5 (Ch. 1: 14, 15) written up and ready to hand in
- Have tried G.P.S. 1 (see Wednesday 2/7), and brought your work, and questions, to class.
- Assignment:
- Read for Wednesday: Read Sections 2.2 and 2.3
- Due 2/14: G.P.S. 1 (see Wednesday 2/7)(be sure to write this up nicely, with explanations, etc. See homework guidelines.
- Due 2/16: I.P.S. 6
Note: If I don't get far enough on Monday, this problem will be postponed by a day.
Wednesday 2/14
- When class starts you should:
- Have read Sections 2.2, 2.3
- Have G.P.S. 1 (See Wednesday 2/7) written up nicely, and ready to turn in.
- Bring questions on any outstanding problem sets to class.
- Assignment:
- Read for Friday: Read Section 2.5
- Due 2/16: I.P.S. 6 (Ch. 2: 1)
- Due 2/19: I.P.S. 7
- Reminder: IPS 6 (Ch. 2: 1) is due 2/16.
Friday 2/16
- When class starts you should:
- Have read Sections 2.5
- Have I.P.S. 6. (Ch. 2: 1) written up nicely, and ready to turn in.
- Bring questions on any outstanding problem sets to class.
- Assignment:
- Read for Friday: Read Section 2.4, 2.6
- Due 2/21: G.P.S.2
- Reminder:
- IPS 7 (Ch. 2: 3 4) is due 2/19.
Monday 2/19
- When class starts you should:
- Have read Sections 2.4, 2.6
- Have I.P.S. 7. (Ch. 2: 3,4) written up nicely, and ready to turn in.
- Bring questions on any outstanding problem sets to class.
- Assignment:
- Read for Wednesday: Read Section 7.2, 7.3
- Due 2/23: G.P.S. 3
- Reminder:
- GPS 2 (Ch. 2: 5, 7) is due 2/21.
- Exam 1 will be given at 6:30pm and at 8pm next Monday night. If you can not take it at either one of those times, let me know before Wednesday!. I will not reschedule an exam for reasons other than deathly illness after Wednesday.
Wednesday 2/21
Sadly, class is cancelled
My 4 year old (Nikki) is sick.
- Had class started you should:
- Have read Sections 7.2, 7.3
- Have G.P.S. 2 (Ch. 2: 5,7) written up nicely, and ready to turn in.
- Brought questions on any outstanding problem sets to class.
- Assignment:
- Because class is cancelled, there is no new assignment.
- Remember, however, that GPS 3 (Ch. 2: 15, 16) is still due 2/23, as well as GPS 2.
- Notify me by e-mail if you can not take the exam at either 6:30 or 8pm Monday night.
Friday 2/23
- When class starts you should:
- Have read Sections 7.2, 7.3 (as was assigned for Wednesday).
- Have G.P.S. 2 (Ch. 2: 5,7) written up nicely, and ready to turn in.
- Bring questions on GPS 3 to class, since we didn't get a chance to discuss it Wednesday.
- Assignment:
- Due Monday: Bring at least one question to hand it at the beginning of class on material from Chapter 1 or Chapter 2. It may be on the study guide I'm handing out today, or on anything else.
- Read for Wednesday: Re-read Section 7.3
- Due 2/28: I.P.S. 8
- Activity 1, due 3/7 Model a real-life situation with a 2x2 game. If the situation merits it, use the theory of moves; otherwise determine whether either player has a dominant strategy, and whether the game has a Nash equilibrium. Compare the results of your analysis to reality (if the reality has been determined yet).
- Activity 2, due at any time before Exam 2: Write an exam question, and provide the answer. Your score will be based on both your question and your answer.
- Reminder:
- The due date for GPS 3 (Ch. 2: 15, 16) has been postponed until Monday 2/26.
- Study your tail off over the week-end. Work on the study guide, re-do old problems, check out the solutions outside my office, try new problems, make up problems of your own, re-read the text, re-read your notes ...
- Monday's class will be devoted to resolving questions before the exam.
- The exam is Monday night. If you haven't already, let me know whether you're taking it at 6:30 or at 8pm.
- The exam will cover Chapters 1 and 2.
Monday 2/26
- When class starts you should:
- Have studied your tail off over the week-end.
- Have G.P.S. 3 (Ch. 2: 15, 16) written up nicely, and ready to turn in.
- Bring a bunch of questions to class (at least one of which should be written down ready to hand to me).
- Assignment:
- Keep on studying, and don't forget to come take the exam tonight!
- Reminder:
- IPS 8 has been changed! On Friday, I assigned Ch. 7: 1, 3 to be turned in on 2/28.
We did not get far enough for you to do 3, so
IPS 8 (modified): Ch. 7: 1.
Wednesday 2/28
- When class starts you should:
- Have re-read Section 7.3.
- Have I.P.S. 8 (Ch. 7: 1) written up nicely, and ready to turn in.
- Assignment:
- Read Section 3.1
- Due 3/5: I.P.S. 9
Here ends the log for February
Go to the log for March!
Janice Sklensky
Wheaton College
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Science Center, Room 109
Norton, Massachusetts 02766-0930
TEL (508) 286-3973
FAX (508) 285-8278
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