To load Floating Fractals on your computer (assuming you are on Wheaton's network):
- Choose Chooser on your Apple menu.
- Highlight Appleshare by clicking on it.
- Choose AC ResNet Services, by double-clicking on it.
- On the right of the dialog box, choose AC Server by double-clicking on it.
- You will now have a new dialog box. Register as a guest.
- Choose Course Materials by double-clicking.
- Close all your dialog boxes. Somewhere on the right of your desktop, you'll see a new Course Materials icon. Open it by double-clicking. Choose the Math department folder. Then choose the Ratliff folder. There you will see Floating Fractals. Drag it onto your desktop--it's way to slow if you try to run it off the server. Then open it. And there you go.
Creating the Koch Island.
The Sierpinski Carpet, after 5 steps.
I thought about including some links, but there are so many, and who am I to decide which are the best? Just try searching the web for "fractals", "fractal geometry", or "fractal landscapes" and you'll get gobs.