When a student uses a computer inappropriately, they can detract not only from his or her own learning but from that of everybody else in the room
If your class is in SC 1349: The computers in any computer equipped classroom are there to enhance the learning environment for a variety of classes, not just ours. They are arranged the way they are for maximum flexibility in a limited amount of space, but there is no denying they can get in the way. We have spent a considerable amount of time trying to come up with a better arrangement that works for all the classes held in this room, and will be continuing to have these discussions for some time to come.
If your class is in SC 1314 or Mars SC 1141: Much of the time, we will not have computers out. You may, of course, bring your own laptop for those times when we do work with them, but if you do so, please follow the following rules at all times, not just during the designated computer times.
Here are some rules of etiquette: