Reading Assignments for Calculus 1
    Fall 2010, Math 101

    September, 2010

    Be sure to check back often, because assignments may change!
    (Last modified: Thursday, August 18, 2011, 2:45 PM )

    All section and page numbers refer to sections from Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions, 3rd Edition, by Smith and Minton.

    I'll use Maple syntax for some of the mathematical notation on this page. (Paying attention to how I type various expressions is a good way to absorb Maple notation). I will not use it when I think it will make the questions too difficult to read.

    Due Friday 9/3 at 8am

    suggestions for reading a math text
    course policies
    background questionnaire, on OnCourse
    WeBWorK Orientation
    Introduction to Chapter 0: Preliminaries
    Section 0.1: Polynomials and Rational Functions
    Section 0.2: Graphing Calculators and Computer Algebra Systems
    Section 0.3: Inverse Functions
    Section 0.4: Trigonometric Functions
    Section 0.5: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

    Note:I know this looks like a load of work, but first of all, most of the actual Calculus reading should be review, while the rest of the links shouldn't take too long (except perhaps for the WeBWorK orientation, but hopefully we make a fair amount of progress on that in lab Thursday), and second of all, you'll never have this much reading for this course again.

    To read: All of the above weblinks for the course. Complete the questionnaire in OnCourse, and finish the WeBWorK orientation, which we will begin in lab Thursday. As for the introduction and the first five sections of Chapter 0, you may skip the portion of Section 0.4 on Inverse Trigonometric Functions and the portion of Section 0.5 on Hyperbolic Functions - we will leave them for Calculus 2 and Multivariable Calculus, respectively. Skim where the material seems very familiar, read more carefully where it seems new or to be presented in a different way than you are used to. Don't worry if you are not especially comfortable with some of it (especially logarithms), as long as you've seen it before. If large chunks of the material are completely unfamiliar to you, please come see me as soon as possible.

    In Section 0.3, pay particular attention to the idea of one function reversing the action, or "undoing", another. Also pay attention to the distinction between the notations f -1(x) and [f(x)] -1.

    In Section 0.4, make note of the table of common values of sine and cosine as they are handy to know. If these values do not look familiar to you, please come see me as soon as possible to discuss why they're true and for tips on how to remember them.

    Reading questions:

    1. Do you have any questions on the course policies, reading assignments, or syllabus? If so, what are they?
    2. Below is a graph of the function f(x)=x4 +  x32 - 5x22 + x over the interval [-1,2].
      1. What intervals for x and y satisfactorily display all the x-intercepts and local extrema of this function? (Feel free to use a graphing calculator, the on-line program Wolfram Alpha, or Maple, the Computer Algebra System Wheaton uses, which is available in A102, the computer lab, and many of the computers in the Kollett Center.)
      2. From your graph, estimate the locations of all local minima.
      3. From your graph, estimate the locations of all x-intercepts.
      4. From your graph, estimate the locations of all inflection points.
    3. Can a function exist, even if you are unable to write down a precise formula for it? Give an example of how such a function might arise.
      1. What is the radian measure of an angle?
      2. What is 1o, in radians?
      3. In Calculus, what unit of measure do we always use for angles?
    4. How are the functions f(x)=3x and g(x)=log3(x) related?

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    Due Wednesday 9/8 at 8am

    Problem Set Guidelines
    Section 0.6: Transformations of Functions

    To read: All

    x Reading questions:

    1. Let f(x)=x+1 and g(x)=ex.
      1. What is the composition f o g ?
      2. What is the composition g o f ?
    2. Let g(x)=2x3.
      1. How is the graph of h(x)=g(x)-5 related to the graph of g(x)? Why?
      2. How is the graph of j(x)=g(x-5) related to the graph of g(x)? Why?

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    Due Friday 9/10 at 8am

    Introduction to Chapter 1
    Section 1.1: A Brief Preview of Calculus

    To read: All

    Reading questions:

    1. Let y=x2+1, the parabola from Example 1.1.1.
      1. How far do you need to zoom in on the graph of y=x2+1 for it to look like a straight line at the point (2,5)? That is, what intervals for x and y should we use?
      2. Use 3 choices of second point to estimate the slope of the parabola at the point (2,5), as in Example 1.1.1. That is, find the slopes of 3 secant lines through the point (2,5), and then based on these results, make a reasonable estimate as to what the slope of the curve at the point (2,5) is.
    2. (Not from the reading) What do the words limit and continuous mean to you, in every day use?
    3. Give an example (not from the book) of a real-life phenomenon where there is a maximum and/or a minimum beyond which something can not go (like the size of pupils as light enters).

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    Due Monday 9/13 at 8am

    Section 1.2: The Concept of Limit

    To read: All

    Reading questions:

    1. Consider the graphs of f(x)=(x2-4)(x-2) and g(x)=(x2-5)(x-2) , the two functions that the text discusses in the opening of Section 1.2.
      1. Discuss the similarities and the differences between the two graphs.
      2. If we think of what's happening at x=2 in each graph as a problem, for which function can that problem be fixed, and how (graphically)?
    2. In Example 1.2.2, the authors cancel the common term of x+3 from both the numerator and the denominator, which takes a fraction which does not exist at x=-3 and turns it into one that does. And yet, a function either exists at a point or it doesn't. Why do you think it is "legal" for the authors to cancel the common term of x+3?
    3. When figuring out a limit by either looking at a graph or by creating a table of nearby values, can you conclude you know that limit for sure?

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    Due Wednesday 9/15 at 8am

    Section 1.3: Computation of Limits

    To read: All, except skip the portions of Thoerem 3.4 that relate to inverse Trigonometric Functions and skip Example 1.3.6.

    Reading questions:

    1. Apply the rules of limits to evaluate the following:
      1. limx → 5 (x2-2x+7)(x-3)
      2. limx→ -3(x2+x-6)(-x-3)
      3. limx→ 1 (e2x-1) 1/2
    2. In Example 1.3.8, what role did looking at a graph and a table of values play, and what role did using the Squeeze Theorem play?

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    Due Friday 9/17 at 8am

    Section 1.4: Continuity and its Consequences

    To read: All. In the discussion of the tax rate schedule that precedes Example 1.4.8, work to understand where the piecewise-defined function comes from, and then be sure to understand Example 4.8 itself.

    Reading questions:

    1. Let f be a function.
      1. True or false (and why): If f(a) exists, f must be continuous at x=a.
      2. True or false (and why): If limx → a f(x) exists, then f must be continuous at x=a.
    2. When a function f is continuous at x=a, how can you compute limx →a f(x)? Why should you not use this technique when the function is discontinuous at x=a?
    3. In Example 1.4.2, if we define g(1)=7, is g(x) continuous at x=1? Why or why not?
    4. Why are the discontinuities in Figure 1.22b and Figure 1.22d not removable?
    5. Without looking at a graph, how can we conclude that f(x)=ecos(x)-1 has a zero on the interval [- π2,0]?

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    Due Monday 9/20 at 8am

    Section 1.5: Limits Involving Infinity; Asymptotes
    Section 1.7: Limits and Loss of Significance Errors

    To read: All of Section 1.5, except for Example 1.5.10. As for Section 1.7, I'd just like you to skim through it, to get a feel for what can go wrong when relying on a computer or a calculator without understanding what it's doing.

    Reading questions:

    1. Does limx → -3 1(x+3)4   exist? If so, what is it? If not, why not?
    2. Discuss the left- and right-sided limits for limx → 4 (x-1)(x-3)(x-6)(x-4).

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    Due Wednesday 9/22 at 8am

    Introduction to Chapter 2
    Section 2.1 Tangent Lines and Velocity

    To read: All

    Reading questions:

    1. Describe in your own words what a secant line and a tangent line to a curve is.
    2. Can a tangent line intersect a curve at more than one point?
    3. Let f(x)=x2+x.
      1. Find the slope of the secant line from x=1 to a nearby point x=1+h.
      2. For the above secant line, must the value of h be positive? (Explain)
    4. Briefly explain the difference between speed and velocity.

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    Due Friday 9/24 at 8am

    Section 2.2: The Derivative

    To read: All. Be sure to pay particular attention to Examples 2.2.5 and 2.2.6--these examples are extremely important as they illustrate, much more than any formula can, what is really going on with derivatives.

    Reading questions:

    1. In the first paragraph of the section, the authors say that the fact that otherwise unrelated notions can be described by the same mathematical expression is an indication of the power of mathematics. Why do you think this is an indication of math's power?
    2. Let f(x)=2x2-3x .
      1. Mimic Example 2.2.1 to compute the derivative of f(x) at x=1.
      2. Mimic Example 2.2.2 to compute the derivative of f(x) at an unspecified value of x. Use your result to compute the derivative of f(x) at x=1, x=2, and x=3.
        For those of you who have learned derivatives before: You may know a shorter way of doing this problem. Nonetheless, please proceed as in Example 2.2.1, to practice the ideas of the definition of the derivative.
    3. In many of the examples in the text, and in the previous reading question, we find the derivative of a function at an unspecified point. What is the benefit of doing this?
    4. The graph of a function g(x) is shown below.
      1. On what intervals of x is the slope of the tangent line positive?
      2. On what intervals of x is the slope of the tangent line negative?
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    Due Monday 9/27 at 8am

    Section 2.3: The Power Rule

    To read: All

    Reading questions:

    1. What is the slope of the line tangent to y=2x?
    2. Let f(x)=-5x2+7x-4. Compute as many derivatives as possible, as in Example 3.6.
    3. Let g(x)=5x2. Compute g ', g '', g '''. Why am I not asking you to compute as many higher-order derivatives as possible, as in the previous question and Example 3.6?

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    Due Wednesday 9/29 at 8am

    Section 2.4: The Product and Quotient Rules

    To read: All.

    Reading questions:

    1. The second sentence of the section says " might wonder whether the derivative of a product of two functions is the same as the product of the derivatives." Why might you think that?
    2. Find the derivative of (3x2 - √ x)(6x3+8x2-14).
    3. Find the derivative of (3x2 - √ x) (6x3+8x2-14).

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    Here ends the reading for September
    Go to the reading assignments for October!

    Janice Sklensky
    Wheaton College
    Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
    Science Center, Room 101A
    Norton, Massachusetts 02766-0930
    TEL (508) 286-3973
    FAX (508) 285-8278

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