Reading Assignments for Multivariable Calculus
    Spring 2010, Math 236

    January and February, 2010

    Be sure to check back often, because assignments may change!
    (Last modified: Monday, February 22, 2010, 9:55 AM )

    I'll use Maple syntax for mathematical notation on this page.
    All section and page numbers refer to sections from Smith & Minton's Multivariable Calculus, 3rd edition.

    Due Friday 1/29 at 9am

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    Section 10.1: Vectors in the Plane
    Section 10.2: Vectors in Space
    Section 10.3: The Dot Product

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 236 Your Name 1/29

    Reading questions:

    1. Find a unit vector in the direction of <-2,3,-6>.
    2. Let a=<2,-1,3>, b=<4,10,-1>, and c=<3,-1,2> be vectors, and let x.y represent the dot product of any vectors x and y.
      (a) Find a.b.
      (b) Does (a.b).c make sense, and if so, what is it in this case?
      (c) Are b and c orthogonal?


    (I start out with extensive reminders at the beginning of the semester -- often things I'm afraid I'll forget to mention. I pare them down significantly as the semester goeos by.)

    Please Note:

    Due Monday 2/1 at 9am

    Multi Problem Sets
    Problem Set Guidelines
    Section 10.4: The Cross Product

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 236 Your Name 2/1

    Reading questions:

    1. Briefly explain what, geometrically, projba and compba are.
    2. How is a x b related to a and b geometrically?
    3. If a and b are vectors in V2 (that is, in the plane), is a x b defined?
    4. If a, b, and c are arbitrary vectors, should we expect that
      (a x b) x c=a x (b x c)?


    Due Wednesday 2/3 at 9am

    Section 10.4: The Cross Product

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 236 Your Name 2/3

    Reading questions:

    1. How can we tell whether two vectors in V3 are parallel? How can we tell whether two vectors are orthogonal?


    Due Friday 2/5 at 9am

    Section 9.1: Plane Curves and Parametric Equations
    Section 10.5: Lines and Planes in Space

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 236 Your Name 2/5

    Reading questions:

    1. What information about a line L do you need to determine an equation for the line?
    2. Find parametric equations for the line through the point (1,2,3) and parallel to the vector <3,0,-1>.
    3. Find parametric equations for the line through the points (1,2,3) and (7,-1,0).
    4. What information about a plane P do you need to determine an equation for the plane?
    5. Find an equation for the plane containing the point (1,2,3) with normal vector <3,0,-1>.


    Due Monday 2/8 at 9am

    Section 10.5: Lines and Planes in Space
    Section 11.1: Vector-Valued Functions

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 236 Your Name 2/8

    Reading questions:

    1. The vector-valued function r(t)=cos(t)i+sin(t)j lies in the plane.
      (a) Using Example 1.2 as a guide, what will the graph of this function look like?
      (b) Is it possible to rewrite r(t) as a function y=f(x)?
    2. What are some advantages to using vector-valued functions?


    Due Wednesday 2/10 at 9am

    Section 11.2: The Calculus of Vector-Valued Functions

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 236 Your Name 2/10

    Reading questions:

    1. If r(t)=tcos(t)i+exp(t^2)j+ln(t)k, what is r'(t)?
      Remember exp(t^2) is Maple notation for et2.
    2. If r(t) is a vector-valued function, what geometric/graphical information does r'(a) give you?
    3. Let r(t)=cos(t)i+sin(t)j and s(t)=sin(5t)i+cos(5t)j.
      (a) What do the graphs of r(t) and s(t) look like?
      (b) If the graphs of two vector-valued functions r(t) and s(t) are the same, must r'(0)=s'(0)? (Is this a new result, or was it also true for functions f(x) and g(x)?)


    Due Friday 2/12 at 9am

    Problem Set Guidelines
    Section 11.3: Motion in Space

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 236 Your Name 2/12

    Reading questions:

    1. If r(t) is a vector-valued function representing the motion of an object at time t, what physical information does r'(t) give you? How about ||r'(t)||?
    2. Find the velocity and acceleration vectors, if the position of an object moving in space is given by


    Due Monday 2/15 at 9am

    11.3: Motion in Space

    No Reading Questions Today


    Due Wednesday 2/17 at 9am

    Anton, Bivens, and Davis Section 13.3: Change of Parameter; Arclength
    Section 11.4: Curvature

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 236 Your Name 2/17

    Reading questions:

    1. Consider the circle r(t)=cos(t)i+sin(t)j.
      • (a) Find a change of parameter t=h(τ) such that the circle is traced counter-clockwise as τ increases over the interval [0,1/2].
      • (b) Use the chain rule for vector-valued functions to differentiate r(τ).
      • (c) Does the change of parameter you found preserve orientation or reverse it?
    2. Let r(t)=t3i+sin2(t)j.
      • (a) The graph of r(t) is displayed below, with arrows super-imposed attempting to show the tangent vectors (the lenths are all wrong, but the direction is all that matters here anyway). Based on the graph, does r(t) have a continuously turning tangent vector?
      • (b) Verify your answer algebraically.


  1. Once again, remember that while it's okay to consult with others on the big ideas behind problems, you get alot more out of it if you think through the problems as much as you can before and after such consultations. Also, remember you must write up the problems on your own, in your own words. If you're having any difficulties at all, please do come to my office hours and/or go to the tutors at the Kollett Center.

    Due Friday 2/19 at 9am

    Section 11.4: Curvature

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 236 Your Name 2/19

    Reading questions:

    1. Explain the idea of curvature in your own words.
    2. If the helix in Example 4.5 were changed to r(t)=< 2sin(t), 2cos(t), 4t2>, will the curvature still be constant? Don't actually do the calculation, but give an intuitive justification - think about how changing the z-coordinate to 4t2 from 4t will affect the graph.


    Due Monday 2/22 at 9am

    Section 11.5: Tangent and Normal Vectors

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 236 Your Name 2/22

    Reading questions:

    1. Suppose you are skiing down a hill along a path that curves left. Describe the direction of the unit tangent and principal unit normal vectors to the curve that describes your motion.


    Due Wednesday 2/24 at 9am

    Section 10.6: Surfaces in Space

    E-mail Subject Line: Math 236 Your Name 2/24

    Reading questions:
    Consider the surface x=4y2+4z2.

    1. Which coordinate plane does the equation z=0 define?
    2. What does the trace of this surface in the xz-plane look like?
    3. What do the traces of this surface in the planes x=k look like?
    4. What is this quadric surface called?


    Due Friday 2/26 at 9am

    Section 10.6: Surfaces in Space

    No Reading Questions Today


    Here ends the reading for January and February
    Go to the reading assignments for March!

    Janice Sklensky
    Wheaton College
    Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
    Science Center, Room 101A
    Norton, Massachusetts 02766-0930
    TEL (508) 286-3973
    FAX (508) 285-8278

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